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The Hollis Chapman Show

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Sobriety has a wonderful way of bringing all things into the light, if you’re willing. Detox finally opened the door to sustained sobriety for actor Jason Umidi on January 10, 2012. Gratitude for a life that’s been redeemed and restored permeates his entire being. His sobriety requires him to live in the moment and his faith asks him to lead a life of service, loving as he has been loved.

After being clean and sober for a couple of years, Jason was looking to share his personal journey on Facebook in the hopes that someone might be encouraged by his story. This developed into a series of popular, short blog posts about addiction, recovery, and hope, known as “Today’s One Minute Reads.” Jesus & Seltzer is Jason’s curated collection of his One Minute Reads.In Jesus and Seltzer, Jason starts each inspiration page with a quote by a person, actor or character, from which he has gathered strength in his daily journey in sobriety.As a pastor’s kid who grew up in the church, Jason had his fair share of Sunday services. However, none of them prepared him for the disappointments in life - whether it was the relationship that didn’t work out, the dream job that never materialized, the loss of health, or the death of a loved one. For most, it’s simply the dreams that never came into fruition.

Click here to listen to the interview.


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