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Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, doesn’t mean they are lost forever

So good for me today as I reflect on my humanity. Having overcome addictions to alcohol & opioids back on 1/10/17, I can still find myself mired in mud some days and yesterday was one of them. What I love about this quote is that it’s all about Grace and who doesn’t need Grace in their life? I’ve found that in my personal life journey I need to take time to reflect on where I’m at and where I want to be. Sometimes, that requires bringing in a trusted friend to walk alongside myself during the dark night of the soul. I had a great conversation with a friend that pulled me back from the edge of my brokenness and reminded me that all is well with my soul despite what my “religious brain” is telling me. My personal faith can be mysterious and complicated at the same time but the truth as I’m experiencing it tells me that this grace is sufficient for me today. I like what the Bible says in Psalm 103:8 TPT version, “Lord, you’re so kind and tenderhearted and so patient with people who fail you! Your love is like a flooding river overflowing its banks with kindness.” This rich expression of God’s love holds me tight today! May each of you experience the full measure of God’s grace, mercy and love today.

Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, doesn’t mean they are lost forever. Professor Charles Xavier, X-Men: Days of Future Past (214).

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